The door defied the brute strength of six full-grown adults.
Even a full-grown adult wouldn't have trouble climbing a vertical with two support ropes-as long as the ropes held.
The average height is rather below four feet, although many full-grown adults may be found who are very much smaller than this.
It continues by detailing events in his childhood, before culminating when he is a full-grown adult.
But I also hear full-grown adults, clearly native speakers, talk that way.
We didn't have any full-grown adults yet, so we had to predict what we'd need.
We could see them clearly then, a male and a female, full-grown adults.
At birth, a healthy infant has four times the concentration of copper than a full-grown adult.
Mavra decided in an instant that this was no child but a full-grown adult.
The full-grown adult was covered with a thick coat of ropy hair.