Kemberly wasn't just receiving friends; he was holding a full-fledged party, when a worried secretary called him to the telephone.
Mr. Ortega said he did not expect the Cardinal to merely transmit proposals, but rather to become a full-fledged party to the talks.
By the time the sky had gone black on the other side of the portholes, the first-class cabin had turned into a full-fledged party.
The leaving MPs established Dialogue for Hungary as a full-fledged party.
Political pluralism has become a reality, so far in the form of blocs and fractious alliances, but with a promise of full-fledged parties.
The creation of a national political association is usually regarded as the first step towards the creation of a full-fledged political party.
At Soviet polling places, there was usually free food and drink, and sometimes a full-fledged party with an orchestra and dancing.
Now the challenge will be transforming that rebel group it into a full-fledged political party that can represent the long-suffering people of the south.
The Liberaal Appèl was first a movement, then became a full-fledged political party on January 20, 2003.
In 1931, Comintern elevated the group's status from party branch to that of a full-fledged party directly answerable to it.