"The El Paso Chile Company Margarita Cookbook," published last May, included a full-color reproduction of the Tequila Nacional label.
One of the astronomical prints mounted above the duty stations caught his eye: a full-color reproduction of a swirling nebula, now forever frozen in space and time.
The carefully chosen illustrations include full-color reproductions of many of the best-known portraits of the monarch.
Even after full-color reproduction became standard practice, he still used broad swaths of single colors for bold emphasis.
In the 1920s, the covers carried full-color reproductions of famous paintings.
It is a full-size, full-color reproduction of all fifty issues on high-quality paper.
Introductions by Dr. Robert Root Bernstein, distinguished physiologist and science historian, ad Marilynne S. Mason, art writer, 72 pages with 45 full-color reproductions.
The book featured full-color high-quality reproductions, and five critical essays.
It contains 130 full-color reproductions of Romance's paintings, many of which have never been published before.
It weighs 8 pounds, measures 14 inches by 10 1/2 inches, is over 600 pages long and contains more than 9,000 full-size, full-color reproductions of 70 years of cards.