To prevent full-blown depression, you need to recognize your early warning signs and take action quickly.
Findings like these may suggest some benefits to sadness, but lately they have been generalized to patients with full-blown depression.
Patients can also be categorized as having mixed anxiety-depressive disorder, and they are at significantly increased risk of developing full-blown depression or anxiety.
It may be called minor, but as with full-blown depression, it can have a serious impact on your life.
Minor depression can also worsen and become full-blown depression.
Prices will be severely eroded and the economy will fall into a full-blown depression, they believe.
But it's important to understand whether a bad mood is temporary irritability, or full-blown depression.
This, they say, is a full-blown depression and is associated partly with a lack of light during the winter months.
But the actions Mr. Koizumi has proposed could tip Japan into full-blown depression.
As her description shows, blues for some become full-blown depression, known as seasonal affective disorder, or SAD.