The altar was prepared for the celebration of the holy sacrifice and a little after twelve his lordship preceded to the foot of the altar richly attired in full vestments.
A priest dressed in his full vestments led them through the snow, while behind him a man carried a silver crucifix on a tall pole.
The upper slab of black or dark grey granite or marble is incised with the life-size figure of a priest in full vestments, holding a chalice to his breast.
When a bishop dies, he is vested by the clergy in his full episcopal vestments, including mitre.
Oddly enough, his official seal included a head of the pagan god Jupiter Serapis along with the usual depiction of the archbishop in full vestments.
In the sealed-off front parlor, an altar had been placed before the fireplace, where stood a clergyman in full vestments.
What she was very surprised to see was Father Kulcyanov in his full vestments.
The effigy is an example of a bishop in full vestments; the canopy is supported by slender shafts; the carving throughout is delicate.
He was dressed in his full formal vestments; the brilliant scarlet made the only spot of color in the dark church.
He even invited the Catholic Bishop who came in his full Pontifical vestments.