These tired measures pave the way for "full fiscal union", we're told.
While some politicians like to evoke the centuries-old dream of full union, it is at least decades away.
In religious terms, it was clear that full union would cement a Protestant alliance.
Hampden Park has held four full rugby union international matches.
He articulated clearly the difference between a full legislative union and a federation.
Although he was King of both countries, James's attempt to create a full governmental union proved premature.
Following that date, 2013 is supposed to be the date of full political union for the members involved.
For us economic and monetary union is only a station on the way to full European political union.
It was also a full economic union, replacing the Scottish systems of currency, taxation and laws regulating trade.
Although some countries have reservations about full economic and monetary union, a number of regional unions already exist, and others are planned.