Incitement, direct or indirect, must be treated with the full rigour of the law.
I have neglected the full rigor of your informality.
Companies had to be exposed to the full rigour of the market - so they would feel the full impact of success and failure.
Harp had full rigor and wouldn't bend, so we put him in the trunk headfirst with his legs sticking out.
Elliot had full rigor when we found him, so he'd been dead awhile.
The body, however, had achieved full rigor since being found and the stiff fingers refused to cooperate.
If you're subjecting me to the full rigors of the law, you'd better realize that it cuts both ways.
(This result has not been proved with full rigour, but is considered well established.)
These measures often lack full quantitative rigor; therefore, they inhibit better monitoring, benchmarking and impact analysis.
"We will use the full rigors of the security forces to combat terrorism."