Do you know your full postcode?
Could you give me your full postcode please?
And when you write your address down, do you quote your full postcode, always sometimes or only when asked?
Enter your full postcode, partial postcode or town.
Incomplete postcodes - the customer's full postcode is required including both sections (before and after the space).
To find your nearest driving theory test centres, please enter your full postcode and click on 'Search'.
A property will also qualify for relief if, at 27 November 2001, it had the same full postcode as a property which was situated in a qualifying area at the relevant date.
A full postcode is known as a "postcode unit" and usually corresponds to a limited number of addresses or a single large delivery point.
Enter your full postcode to search for organisations near you.
Sorting is now almost totally automated; if you use the correct address and full postcode on all the letters you send, you will help to ensure the letter arrives on time.