The importance of being a vested employee means that an employee then becomes eligible for full percentage of contributions by employer.
Some economists argue that based on the current levels of short-term market interest rates that investors believe the Federal Reserve could reduce short-term rates by up to a full percentage point in the coming months without rekindling inflation.
Roger Martin, one of three bank board members, also emphasized that interest rates paid by Texas savings units have declined by more than a full percentage point, compared with the national average, since the Southwest Plan began.
This year, the Janus Fund has closed the quarter with a 2.6 percent loss, a full percentage worse than Magellan's quarterly showing.
Eventually the producers sued Bryanston for failing to pay them their full percentage of the box office profits.
A full percentage a year.
The Commerce Department said the drought reduced crop and livestock production in the second quarter by $2.4 billion - equivalent to a full percentage point of the G.N.P. on an annual basis.
Good examples of these fabrics contain full percentages and/or blends of heavy weight natural fibers like cotton, linen and hemp or light-weight synthetics such as polyester, nylon, spandex and polypropylene.
You can transfer the full percentage when the second spouse or civil partner dies even if they die at the same time.
As a result, we have witnessed yield increases in the past week of more than a full percentage point.