"If this agreement is applied fully," he added, "then we can practically speak of the full normalization of bilateral relations in regard to immigration."
The initiative offered full normalization of relations with Israel.
In the Communique, both nations pledged to work toward the full normalization of diplomatic relations.
He added, "Our feeling is the time for full normalization of relations is getting nearer and nearer."
In the communiqué, both nations pledged to work toward the full normalization of diplomatic policy.
"I hope it's a continuation of steps toward full economic normalization."
Peace itself is the best kind of security, if it is based on security arrangements, open borders and full normalization.
Previously, the Arab consensus was that peace with Israel did not require full normalization.
The two sides would move toward full normalization of political and economic relations.
He said "full normalization of relations," and there is a difference.