I prospered in pursuit of Godliness and grew to my full manhood in His favor.
Temujin would not remain thirteen indefinitely; if he survived to full manhood, he could be physically and politically powerful.
The voice was light and unaccented, the voice of a youth who had not reached full manhood.
He felt a throbbing and imagined his full manhood being inside her.
On those lonely walks, he experienced what he realized must be one of the first signs of full manhood.
But Arthur's power would be different, that of full and fierce manhood, that of a king.
Amariyah's gift had completed the healing process of his once useless body and he, who had never expected to be whole, had reached full manhood.
As Tylendel would have looked now, had he survived into full manhood.
He would be strongly built, with the bulky muscles of full manhood, not like the youngsters she usually took.
Some tribes circumcise teenagers to welcome them to full manhood.