He wound up working eight full innings that afternoon, and then set about treating the injury in the days before Friday night's start.
I'm not sure if he can take a full nine innings for a week straight.
And not only does Danny win the big game, the coach lets him pitch the full nine innings with a sore arm.
The sixth and final game began at an earlier time of 2:18 PM, so the full nine innings could be played.
Only the first game went the full nine innings; the others were called after seven and six, because of darkness and extreme cold, respectively.
He pitched 8 full innings, giving up just 3 hits, no walks and 5 strikeouts.
Against the Braves, he pitched eight full innings before being pulled for a pinch-hitter.
Instead, it went six full innings because the coaches insisted on breaking the 13-13 tie that resulted at the end of five.
He pitched six full innings and allowed one run.
The result after five full innings was final.