His speed saved him from the full grasp of that ice.
Perhaps Byrd doesn't yet have a full grasp of the long war against terrorism before us.
Furthermore, does management now have a full grasp of the company's financial situation?
Mr. Harvey's heart is in the right place, but he does not have the full grasp of the situation.
Immigration officials, no less than immigrants, do not yet have a full grasp of the new law.
They began with meditation, something Myron had never quite gotten the full grasp of.
I don't know if they have a full grasp of the issues.
You may need to step through the movie slowly to get a full grasp of the insanity.
Most said they came away from the experience not necessarily with a huge shift in their views but a fuller grasp of others' positions.
And he, equally openly, held her forearm for a moment in the full grasp of his hand.