It received its full compliment of 25 aircraft and pilots by 26 August.
This tried and tested formula is as hysterically enjoyable as always, particularly when you have a full compliment of band members.
We can't open hostilities there with less than a full compliment, master.
When played by the full compliment of four players, Doom overwhelmingly favors the Invader player.
The scrub nurse moved over the draped Mayo stand, straining with a full compliment of surgical instruments.
The society also had, needless to say, a full compliment of nuts.
I must now go an check if I still have a full compliment in my nether region.
It has only about 20,000,000 to 50,000,000 alveoli or 6 to 15 percent of the full adult compliment.
But that was strange, too, because G-8 could see a full compliment of bombs under each of the other nine Fokkers.
I can live with lack of a full compliment of ports.