He served in that capacity and continued to carry a full caseload until his death at the age of 87.
She had a full caseload.
He remained an active judge with a full caseload, although he could have reduced his work or retired with full pay long ago.
I took on a full caseload from the v/aiting list, volunteered for the night shift in the Emergency Room.
Notwithstanding the freedom that senior status gave him, Judge Glasser continued to carry a full caseload.
In addition, two senior judges who were carrying full caseloads have been suspended because they are targets of a separate investigation.
Part of the problem, Ms. Finkle said, is that 26 investigators are new and are not carrying full caseloads.
After graduation, they both won positions as counsellor-teachers and had worked as a team ever since, carrying a full caseload covering four counties.
Judge Rich was still carrying a full caseload as late as last month, and he took pride in his length of service on the bench.
On a full caseload this is not too difficult to achieve.