In 1953 he became a full academician of the Academy.
Ten years later, he was elected a full academician.
A full Academician would have powerful friends, and the Institute was important in their provincial city.
He was elected an associate of the academy in 1881 and a full academician in 1902.
He was elected associate of the Academy in 1786, and full academician in the following spring.
In 1800 he was elected a full Academician.
In 1895 Waterhouse was elected to the status of full Academician.
He was elected an associate of the Royal Academy 1861 and a full academician in 1866.
He became a member of the Royal Academy in 1866 and a full academician in 1874.
Nollekens became an associate of the Royal Academy in 1771 and a full academician the following year.