The government would either have to destroy the statue — an action which would potentially fuel further criticism of its policies — or leave it standing.
The government would either have to destroy the statue-an action which would potentially fuel further criticism of its policies-or leave it standing.
However, explosive growth in regulations has fueled criticism that the rulemaking process reduces the transparency and accountability of democratic government.
However, the expansive growth of the character's unique abilities and characterization has also fueled criticism as having overpowered the character beyond suspension of disbelief.
The blowout fueled criticism of the options market, which, from its inception, has had plenty of doubters.
Problems, including inmate deaths, have fueled criticism of that program, he said, "so Connecticut's saying, We got to rethink who we're sending to prison or jail."
That only fueled more criticism and led him to lie low for months afterward, sticking to scripted events and rehabilitating his image.
He worried that it fueled criticism that the prosecutors were imperious.
The producers have also protested speculation that the film is a mockumentary, fueling criticism towards the film.
Magellan, like other large mutual funds, has underperformed the market in the last three years, fueling criticism of Fidelity's management.