Worse, increased fuel charges would raise the price of food and other commodities because of higher trucking costs.
Vans: the fuel charge began in 2005-06 but only has practical effect from 2007-08, when the benefit charge for a year is £500.
After the initial fuel charge such a reactor can be refueled by reprocessing.
A Bahamian departure fee, taxes and fuel charges are not included.
But monthly fuel charges and maintenance costs are often high.
The airlines just folded the fuel charge into the basic ticket price.
"Every vendor that delivers to my stores, their fuel charges are going up and they're passing the costs along to us," he said.
He said his fuel charges were so high that customers inevitably question them when he hands over the estimate.
The real cost, he said, is in fuel charges for long-distance moves.
On this subject, many have discussed an innovation fund, and a fuel charge, although these can be resolved as part of the income tax issue.