Some narrative outsiders, like a would-be born-again Christian who has a brief and frustrating encounter with Sidra, don't add much.
Moping and dreaming of the past, Matt plunges back into the dating pool with a series of frustrating encounters.
After a frustrating encounter with Gary Cooper, Oboler decided that he would need to direct his plays in addition to writing them.
This can lead to frustrating encounters at the primary-care level, especially if your doctor is rushed.
A marriage proposal, the letter from San Francisco, and another frustrating encounter with Austin Matthews.
For millions of Americans, this can lead to frustrating encounters trying to get the services you need and a waste of taxpayer dollars.
It was well that I had engaged in that frustrating encounter with Mr. Arnold.
Talk to homeowners who have done renovations in New York's historic districts, and they will inevitably relive some frustrating encounter with the Landmarks Preservation Commission.
In a frustrating encounter, Britain looked the better team for much of the match but lost to a Thilo Stralkowski penalty corner five minutes before half-time.
Over the last 10 weeks Israel has suffered a series of terrible suicide bombings and had a frustrating military encounter in Lebanon.