Perhaps Dr. Hankin's most frustrating battle over the last quarter century has been his continuing fight to have the county government grant more autonomy to the college.
For years, Mr. Bolick has waged a frustrating battle to get his party engaged on racial matters, beyond using race as a wedge issue to appeal to white swing voters.
These resources will help you get the treatment you need - and the personal support to keep fighting this frustrating battle.
Building owners must recognize that verifying a person's creditworthiness is one of the few techniques they have to avoid costly and frustrating legal battles.
But it has been a frustrating legal battle, never finished.
But often local homeowners find themselves in long, frustrating battles.
This family's case is only one of many acrimonious and frustrating child-support battles being played out in the county.
It did mean that keeping the Seayak on a bearing in a big sea was a somewhat tiring and frustrating battle.
After a frustrating battle against Violator, Spawn summons all the past Hellspawn before him to help him with the other demons and takes back the throne of Hell.
For the people of 107th Street, it is a ray of hope in a long and frustrating battle.