There was nothing in those empty streets of health or sustenance; no fruitful trees nor sparkling fountains.
"Stones are cast alone at fruitful trees, and one of these days you may find yourself in veritable shower of missiles."
Under the fruitful trees Gomer asked, "Rimmon, have you made any plans for going up to Jerusalem?"
The small seed blossomed into a fruitful tree that has spread its missionary presence in 11 countries with around 500 Japanese sisters and 500 Koreans.
Once it had been green and filled with avenues, and groves of fruitful trees, watered by streams that flowed from the mountains to a lake.
The village is surrounded by grape gardens and fruitful trees.
Since Mangini never had been a head coach, Johnson's comments were widely interpreted to mean that he was plucked from the most fruitful tree.
After three years, the piece of wood sprouted and grew into a fruitful tree.
Only the fruitful tree is shaken or stoned for food.
A Senegalese proverb observes that all birds will flock to a fruitful tree.