The fruit, technically a berry, may split at maturity.
Its fruit is schizocarpal, and splits into four equal portions upon reaching maturity.
As with other Cola species the flowers are carried in clusters on old wood and the seed is released when the mature fruits split longitudinally.
The embryos start to develop and break through the coat of the seeds before the fruits split open to shed the seeds.
Except that there was a giant plum before the bridge, and the fruit had split apart to revea!
Seeds inside rattle and the ripe fruit will split open to release them.
On maturing, the fruit splits apart, releasing the seeds, which are then dispersed by wind or rain.
The fruit is mature and splits to release seeds in late April and early May.
As the fruit dries the tail cracks open and splits into two hooked, claw-like halves.
The fruits become brown with age, and split horizontally.