The drink was a concentrated fruit nectar, almost as sweet as pure honey.
Diluted, the fruit nectar was not bad, its flavor similar to a mixed fruit beverage available from the ship's food service.
He gestured toward the table, where fruit nectar and nut cakes had been laid out.
Zelfreetrollan reached for the pitcher and poured two glasses of fruit nectar.
Kasak sipped at his glass of sweet fruit nectar before he replied.
The machine proved stubbornly incapable of synthesizing rich fruit nectars in the Klingon style.
The meal slot in his room served nine flavors of fruit nectar, and he had gone through a large glass of each.
Most fruit nectars also contain added sugar.
They feeds mainly on insects, but also eat fruit, nectar and human food scrap.
A product described as fruit "nectar" must contain at least 25% to 50% juice, depending on the fruit.