But their new prosperity has not changed the Johnsons' frugal lifestyle.
Despite his fortune, he had a reputation for leading a frugal and unostentatious lifestyle.
Within the unit, a frugal and ascetic lifestyle was enforced.
Feeney himself is noted for his personal modesty and frugal lifestyle.
He had a very simple and frugal lifestyle.
Early retirement is possible, but you'll probably have to adopt a frugal lifestyle now.
The key to living a frugal lifestyle is just that: Think of it as a lifestyle change.
He is known for leading a frugal lifestyle and has a personal staff of three.
Investments in land would make them relatively wealthy by the mid-1790s, but this did not alter their frugal lifestyle.
Since 2009, Savings.com has sponsored an annual educational conference focused on sharing ways to lead a frugal lifestyle.