POPINA For those on a truly frugal budget, Popina tarts and quiches can be a life saver.
Toyce Collins, head of Woodbridge's teachers union, said the cut turned a "frugal budget into an irresponsibly low budget."
That was the largest single increase in the Governor's otherwise frugal budget but the smallest percentage increase in state financing in 14 years.
In practice, that has meant a frugal national budget with none of the big social programs for which Mr. Manley had been renowned.
The City Opera, bound to a frugal budget, has trapped these larger goings-on in a claustrophobic one-size-fits-all set bordered by ruined walls and ornamented with outsized cutouts.
Its primary goal was to make recording large conferences with many talks possible on a frugal budget and ensure recordings are high quality.
Independence on a Budget What the Maverick has also preserved is its sense of independence and proportion, and an extremely frugal budget.
However, with a total worldwide gross of $44,460,850, against the frugal $10 million budget, the film was still considered a huge success.
This frugal and forward-looking budget has resulted from good cooperation such as one can only dream of - with Parliament, and with the rapporteurs.
I don't get to stay in luxury hotels very often on a frugal budget.