It's colder than Antarctica, colder than all that frozen methane.
No spacesuit yet built protects well from frozen methane, and Lou's was an antique.
Those snow-covered hills were massive bergs of frozen methane.
"A ship's out there-Norden's Valkyrie-loading towing-pods with frozen methane and ammonia."
But the cirrus-like clouds of frozen methane at higher altitudes were shown to race around the planet at velocities considerably greater than the dark spots.
They theorized that the erupted ice was a mixture of water ice with frozen methane and ammonia.
Even more intriguing is how much of this frozen methane seems to be locked away in the Earth's crust.
Methane gas has been found under methane hydrate, frozen methane and water, beneath the ocean floor.
Large deposits of frozen methane, when thawing, release gas into the environment.
They were due to photolysis of frozen methane.