If you're out too far from the center, you become part of the frozen outer layer.
Ice would require frozen layers of gas or liquids, oceans perhaps, or precipitation, but he wasn't reading anything quite like that out there.
It cracked on Saturday, opening up a fist-size hole at one point in the frozen layer.
Rain falling and freezing on the surface of existing snow, also creating a frozen layer.
The dry frozen layer on top of the drifted snow was melting, softening and losing its pristine sheen.
Walter Goedecke, the principal organizer, uses de-icing fans to melt the frozen layer.
I was using a tile probe to avoid damaging anything underground, and the ball-shaped tip did not pass easily through the partially frozen upper layer.
Supra-permafrost water systems exist below the frozen layer of earth.
He could hover until he'd burned a hole through the frozen layers, then land.
The rustle of it broke through the frozen layer of terror which filmed her consciousness.