It was a small hole in the wall with sliding frosted-glass windows and a bell next to a handwritten sign telling her to ring for attention.
The brass beer taps and frosted-glass windows are the epitome of pub décor.
It was chintzy Soviet-style public architecture combined with low-rent Miami design: long frosted-glass windows and a faux marble facade.
Jean dragged the unconscious servant into the window alcove and glanced around for other complications while Locke quietly slipped the double frosted-glass windows shut and rehitched their latch.
Outside are six lighted evergreen trees, French doors and the restaurant's logo etched into its frosted-glass windows.
Gone, it seems, are the days when pubs felt they had to preserve their customers' privacy with frosted-glass windows and drawn curtains shutting out the outside world.
Three-quarters up from the floor and recessed in the far wall were three frosted-glass windows, the painted white frames melting into the whiteness of the room.
Note that rooms in the modern wing at the rear are a bit odd, as they have frosted-glass main windows.
The only sunlight that women at the detention center see is the vague glow that permeates the four-inch-wide frosted-glass windows in their cells.
And no, there were no bars on the frosted-glass windows.