Therefore, frost in the city center starts about 7 days later and finishes 3 days earlier than in the northern suburbs.
Small vegetable plants will grow in a container and rewards go on all summer, at least until hard frosts finish the season.
They can either be planted outside after frosts have finished or under glass in late winter to early spring.
Since frost has finished the annuals, pull them up and add their carcasses to the compost pile.
These should be grown in a greenhouse in winter and planted out after the frosts finish.
These should go in after frosts have finished in late spring/early summer, and will need to be lifted and stored before winter.
They seldom begin to repair the houses until the frost sets in, and never finish the outer coating until the cold becomes severe.
Even if not killed to the ground, the shrub is usually hard-pruned to just above the lowest pair of leaf buds, i.e. to within 15 - 25 cm of the ground, in spring once frosts have finished, as the younger wood is more floriferous.