His massive frontier district included the historically significant city of Toledo.
The Nizams used to keep a force of about 20,000 men in this frontier district of their dominions.
General Obeid left this morning for an inspection tour of the northern frontier districts.
As settlers poured in, the frontier districts first became territories, with an elected legislature and a governor appointed by the president.
These two charters indicate the contested nature of this frontier district.
In 1785, Winchester moved to what is now central Tennessee, then a frontier district of North Carolina.
Its creation was part of a general reorganisation of the northwest of Italy into three frontier districts.
One household servant survived the attack and now lives out his old age in a frontier district of Thebes.
They tried in vain to ease Selinuntine hostility by ceding without further contest the frontier district that was the original subject of dispute.
The Turkmen were pushed into marginal lands, mostly mountainous and frontier districts.