The frontal focused images give way to a more three-dimensional rounded look.
The same dancer stands onstage, her back to the audience, while a video camera shows her frontal image on the scrim.
There are also pictures of KatieJane exclusive to the package and appear nowhere on the regular edition of the album, including an uncensored full frontal nude image.
Full Frontal: A Face Image Type that specifies frontal images with sufficient resolution for human examination as well as reliable computer face recognition.
Token Frontal: specifies frontal images with a specific geometric size and eye positioning based on the width and height of the image.
He is not just a plain frontal image.
A static, frontal image is typical of religious images intended for worship.
"June 18" is a frontal image of a young man wearing a Civil War uniform.
Also included was a 24 page book with pictures, photographs and writing, including lyrics and a full frontal nude image of Katiejane herself.
One of his issues included his frontal image on the obverse, which ended with his reign and was only revived by the late kings.