No Cubans or Russians were seen during a two-hour visit today to this front-line base.
With Japan's entry into the war, and especially after the fall of Singapore, Ceylon became a front-line British base.
However, with the change of commands, the mission of Barksdale initially remained that of a training base where units were formed and organized, then were reassigned to front-line operational bases.
The mission of Barksdale was also changed from being a SAC training base to a front-line operational base.
Sri Lanka was a front-line British base against the Japanese during World War II.
U-Tapao was a front-line base along with the other US bases at Korat, Udon, Ubon, Nakhon Phanom and Takhli.
During the early years of the Cold War, Bordeaux-Mérignac was a front-line base for the United States Air Forces in Europe (USAFE).
The airstrip was active during late 1942 and all of 1943 as a front-line base, It became a rear area when units moved forward to the Dobodura area.
Many were converted into municipal airports, returned to agriculture, or retained as United States Air Force installations that served as front-line bases during the Cold War.
Many were converted into municipal airports, some were returned to agriculture and several were retained as U.S. Air Force installations and were front-line bases during the Cold War.