He started his car and moved away from the B-52s front quarter.
He turned on the two infrared cameras that pointed out from the front quarters of his van and were triggered by motion detectors.
It came off rather worse, despite me getting a 360 spin that crumpled my bumper, and his whole front quarter got a good squishing.
The longest hairs occur on the back, particularly on the front quarters and neck.
"On-screen," said Janeway, turning back toward the huge viewer that covered the front quarter of the bridge.
Quadrapedal, heavily armored on the front quarters, they had heads like a gargoyle with a big, crushing beak.
Two-tone Chamoisee - light front quarters with brown or grey hindquarters.
He commented as he decapitated the beast and pushed its head under the front left quarter to prop it up.
The one stroke took off the front quarter of the dragon's lower jaw.
His front quarters, then, were noisy, disreputable, and not even safe.