Like Zallock, he heard the unmistakable rumble of a car coming into the front driveway.
They heard the cab land on the other side of the house, in the front driveway.
I put them on, then jumped to the front driveway.
Winborne was heading around the side of the house toward the front driveway, and the crowd moved along the terrace in the same direction.
Together, they went out to the front driveway and entered Rokesbury's coupe.
In recent months, he said, three of his cars have been burned in his front driveway.
Others were going around the clubhouse to reach the front driveway.
At that very instant, a motor roared in the front driveway.
And last but not least, the children place all their toys out on the front driveway.
From the side lawn, Irene and two companions heard the sound of starting cars from the front driveway.