From just over 900,000 visitors in 1990, the Philippines saw a record 1.6 million last year.
Both have received good reviews from visitors to the park.
That's the kind of response from visitors that city officials were hoping for.
The city also received worldwide media attention from the event and many international visitors.
But a few notes from other visitors are posted on the site.
In 2003, one of the requirements for the award was raised from 200,000 to 400,000 visitors.
"In just two weeks, the traffic on our Web site has grown from 100 visitors a day to nearly 9,000."
"I already hear some positive comments from tourists and visitors as they walk down the street."
The police chief's primary function was to guard the community from possible male visitors.
They received smiles and a wave or two from other visitors, but found no use for the phone.