Folderol (or falderal ) is drawn from the meaningless syllables sung in the refrains of many English folksongs, "fol-de-rol-deray."
It consists of a loud high pitched squeak that gains its inflection from normal speech and its rhythm from the syllables in each word.
Its name is derived from the first two syllables of its founder's name, érico bosa.
Its name derives from the first two syllables of the name of the founder.
From the initial syllables of the first verses of the resultant setting he then took the names of the first notes of the musical scale.
A few opine that there are an equal number of word pairings that are originated from the syllables with stop codas.
What she's saying emerges only gradually from the melted syllables, but the emotion is volatile and immediate.
The crowd gave her a standing ovation; they were ready to do so from the first syllables she uttered.
Carzou later created his name from the first syllables of his name and surname, and added a Parisian nickname, "Jean".
The mobile system employed incorporated a group-based answer approval system that allowed students to submit responses and decide whether more words could be created from the available syllables.