In the end two soldiers from the 30th Brigade were killed and six wounded.
If that is correct, almost all have come from my own brigade.
"A fellow from Lillington's brigade told me so; he was off to see the fun."
In the end, 1800 of the 5533 Australian casualties were from the 15th Brigade.
The 75th Division suffered 518 casualties, 352 of whom were from the 232nd Brigade.
In the course of this march, the 22nd was detached from their brigade and assigned to picket duty.
General Sébastiani showed up there on October 7 with a party from his brigade.
The attack ceased without support from their brigade.
As a result only three of the nine teams, all from the British 2nd Brigade, landed in their drop zones, when they dropped around 03:30.
In the morning one of my colleagues from the Brigade Criminelle will return it.