About 18 months ago a special meeting was called to vote on the acceptance of mortgages from would-be purchasers.
Some of the attention would be from eager purchasers - though that s not you, or me.
Also yesterday, the company said it had received a number of inquiries from potential purchasers.
"He and others indicted also collected money from other purchasers of cocaine."
But it will not spend that money until it has long-term commitments from purchasers to buy the electricity.
Later, the stocks would sink to more reasonable levels, leaving buyers who had bought from early purchasers with big losses.
The stores also ask for age identification from purchasers of video games with mature-audience ratings.
The appropriate method will depend on the business being sold, the confidentiality required, and the anticipated demand from purchasers.
Although interest in the topic was high, the game met with a lukewarm reception from purchasers.
The Fashion Center district wants to ignite interest by buyers from department stores and other large purchasers.