Lead has been banned from residential paint since 1978.
Windsor chairs were finished in a variety of ways from paint to no finish at all.
Recent figures show that over half the population suffers from back paint at some point in their lives and tennis players certainly aren't immune.
Be just perfect to pass out from paint fumes Henry said to himself.
He switched from acrylic to oil paint in the mid-1970s.
It looks like the real thing, but it's modeled from plaster and paint.
And remember: even if the store sells everything from paint to appliances, it's not necessary to do a project all at once.
Soil very close to homes may be contaminated from lead paint on the outside of the building.
He made them all from wood, ink, paper lithography and paint.
But children who play in the dirt around houses are exposed to the lead from paint applied decades earlier, health experts say.