Some of my garden books say the common name derives from the plant's preference for barren areas or flat open spaces.
But then she had me perform with other lesbians to convert them from their psychiatrically endorsed sexual preference.
Thus, due to participating in the election, the voters changed the winner from their second preference to their strictly least preference.
There are both regulatory pattern design and casual design varying from the artist's personal preference.
The brewery continued operations into the late 1950s, but suffered heavily from the country's increasingly strong preference for the light lagers produced by the megabreweries.
It is presumed to derive from owlers' preference for performing their work at night (traditionally the time of the owl).
This name foremost comes from his preference to the color green, and secondly to distinguish him from the three other Hans' in the apprenticeship.
Here, too, the vice president would appear to benefit from the public's preference for environmental protection and lower fuel prices.
Her title comes from the character's jolly temperament, and her preference for looking at happy things.
If it is different from the user's preference, the system translates the message into the chosen language.