In recent years, the chain has undergone a brand identity upgrade that has incorporated colors, design, and imagery from traditional French motifs.
Both Haydn and Bruckner build long-range shapes from small motifs.
The watches took off when the designs, taken from motifs in art, food and fashion, made them irresistible to the public and collectors alike.
Their designs, which quote variously from nature, tribal motifs or classical antiquity, tend to be enduring.
Liberation from explicit historical motifs held social meaning.
The gardens are connected by gates with names drawn from motifs on blue and white Chinese porcelain ware, which the king picked out himself.
The gates were specifically named after human or animal motifs, while the name of the paths were taken from floral motifs.
But of no less interest are the fabrics Wheeler made for the mass market, including a wonderful "swimming-carp" pattern adapted from Japanese motifs.
Some of the velvets are in solid colors; where they have them, the designs are often taken, with modifications, from older motifs.
Builders and interior designers used figures and patterns derived from classical Greek motifs.