Letters to the local tax people can be separated from letters to Mom and from memos to the boss.
Brief excerpts from reports, memos, marketing materials, speeches and correspondence are all fair game.
The judge also quoted at length from internal memos that said so few employees died before quitting or retiring that "the cost of providing the benefit is insignificant."
As a result, the most detailed information concerning the riot comes from memos and reports collected by the federal government.
A theory written from unsorted memos may be rich in ideas but the connection between concepts is weak.
This contains the printed exhibits - company profiles, articles from business magazines, letters, telexes, memos and financial documents which provide vital input to each case.
Stephen D. Houck, an assistant attorney general from New York, read from several internal memos and documents that the Government has introduced as evidence.
The newspaper has run several more articles since then, quoting association officials and also from memos from police supervisors.
Indeed, several paragraphs in the proposal were lifted verbatim from memos written and supplied by industry lobbyists.
Most companies have already shifted from memos to PDF or email.