In addition to vandalism and graffiti, damage from leaks was common.
This results in a lack of incentive to maintain delivery systems, leading to losses from leaks annually that is enough for 200 million people.
What information is available has come from leaks and random comments by public officials.
The Diana frequently suffers from light leaks, film advance issues, and other problems.
Large plastic barrels catch drips from leaks in the roof.
A number of things can go wrong with your faucets, from leaks to noise.
Contamination usually results from leaks in underground storage tanks at gasoline stations.
Oil slicks would form on the surface from leaks during practice laps with no time for them to wash away.
They expected natural gas service to be cut off today to eliminate the threat from leaks.
On the walls, plaster boils up from leaks in the roof, and the ceiling tiles sometimes fall.