I feel like it also allows for a certain freedom from inhibition in drawing, which is something that's harder to get in life for me.
Positive freedom is freedom from inhibition: it's the power gained by transcending social or psychological constraints.
Freed from inhibition as if by magic, the characters switch partners, quit their jobs and vow to be reborn.
But her choreography, like her dancing, suffers from inhibition that goes beyond mere restraint.
He himself did not seem to suffer much from inhibition, at least in his drawings.
Was a dire circumstance the catalyst required to release Talent from inhibition?
"Freed from inhibition, his headless body bends in intense copulatory movements."
Wicken's research led him to discover the "release from proactive inhibition."
If the semantic content is changed in a consecutive series, a considerable amount of release from proactive inhibition is produced.
The release from proactive inhibition depended on the words' categories (profession, fruit, and meat).