There were 241 bite incidents, mostly in the summer, of which 156 were from red back spiders.
The two run from spiders as Chris meets up with the remaining townsfolk and goes down to the basement.
An ambitious young provincial hopes to make his fortune by selling silk from spiders.
Yet humans differed from spiders in one basic respect: their craving for novelty.
Footprints that can be found in these exhibits vary from spiders, dinosaurs, and early mammals.
A great deal is now known about such signals in a wide range of animals, from crabs and spiders to monkeys and humans.
Even if you're lucky enough to escape bites from spiders or snakes, you'll probably land on jutting rocks and broken glass.
If the pot broke, the soldier was exposed to attack from snakes or spiders, hence the name "spider hole".
But people are most familiar with toxins that come in the form of venoms, like from snakes, scorpions, or certain spiders.
Any deaths from spiders in the area of Taranto probably came from the local Widow spider.