The population suffered from periodic epidemics, including several serious outbreaks of black death.
The scientist decided to move to India where hundreds of thousands died from ongoing epidemics.
The death toll from epidemics was about 100,000 civilians, 35,000 soldiers, and 30,000 prisoners of war.
In the 14th century, China suffered additional depredations from epidemics of plague.
Read about the lessons learned from previous epidemics.
Fleeing from drought, famine or epidemics where they had lived.
They had suffered more from epidemics of infectious diseases.
The city also suffered from frequent epidemics of disease, which slowed the growth of the population.
Placer was able to pick from these disasters, calamities and epidemics.
Occasionally worms suffer from epidemics (of what nature I know not) and die by the million on the surface of the ground.