Besides improving traffic flow, they will help the region lower pollution from emissions created by idling vehicles.
The CO2 would have been there from the start- and you're right, it comes from volcanic emissions as well.
There is no historical precedent and no region in the world that has decoupled its economic growth from emissions.
Air pollution from industrial and vehicular emissions is a major issue in the urban areas of Malaysia.
Ever tighter regulations are being introduced to protect the environment from emissions contributing to the greenhouse effect or acid rain.
Nuclear power, while clean at the point of generation, suffered from high emissions in this study.
To commit to working toward the elimination of these chemicals from emissions and products by 2015.
The assessment found significant cancer and non-cancer risks from emissions at several locations on the facility.
Fluoride pollution from various industrial emissions can also contaminate water supplies.
Only freedom from emissions has any importance, and now the emissions are not welcome.