The most common complaint from dancers is being portrayed as an object or instrument rather than a person.
Leggings became an ongoing theme, a look borrowed, he said, from dancers.
"I just wanted to be in it, to learn firsthand from professional dancers, to learn and see what it's really all about," she said.
They were selected from dancers nominated by 38 ballet companies in 22 countries.
Over the last two weeks, the dance line members have received an outpouring of support from students, administrators and other dancers.
These include visits from personal trainers, professional dancers, dance teachers, and other sports players.
Since the late 1980s, the Tru-la-lá band has had great support from dancers.
Yet the earlier partnering can come only from classically trained dancers.
They stayed with the company and eventually worked their way up from dancers to become artistic directors.
They ranged, she said, "from dancers to jugglers," and many of them became her friends.