After all, there seems to be no end to the stories of investors who have lost money from complex bets made with derivatives.
The money that poker players win and lose comes from bets made by other players.
"It's going from bets all the way down to just sticking with your country."
From outside bets to reach the play-offs, Leicester are now poised to break into the top two.
Bets placed over the Internet are no different from other bets.
And it is by those who have to buy to stem losses incurred from bets that rates would be higher by now.
Lower the 17 percent "takeout" from bets to 14 percent, giving the state less in taxes.
Their incomes came from lucky bets at the race track, or so they said.
In 1992, his funds made more than $1 billion from bets against the value of the British pound.
The book asserts that Michael Jordan owed the author $1.25 million from bets.