Further, we have difficulties isolating energy from social approval.
Some recommend concentrating on companies whose drugs are at most a year or two away from approval.
Instantly there was some talk among the watching horsemen, but Ryan couldn't tell whether it was from approval or anger.
Admission into these courses requires recommendations from teachers and approval from parents.
The new drug, torcetrapib, is still being tested in clinical trials and is at least 18 months from federal approval.
The cost of the nation's committment in the gulf was cited by several respondents who said they had shifted from approval to disapproval.
Any development program takes years from approval to implementation.
Within the business faculties themselves, the reaction to the announced deals has ranged from approval to confusion.
In such cases, there is little public benefit from speedy approval of new products that might expose consumers to harm.
Reaction to the American military response ranged from reluctant approval to measured regret.